Why ignoring an Aries man isn’t the best course of action

Have you ever dated an Aries man and found yourself utterly enthralled yet equally frustrated by him? I’m sure you can relate to the allure of his boldness and passion. But also the headaches caused by his self-centeredness and short fuse.

Dealing with all that intensity has probably left you wondering: should I just ignore him and cut off contact?

It’s a question that’s crossed the mind of anyone who’s been bedazzled, then frazzled by an Aries in love. Ignoring his calls or giving him the cold shoulder can feel tempting and justified.

But will turning your back on an Aries man actually solve anything or just create bigger issues?

I personally don’t recommend ignoring an Aries man as the best course of action if you want the relationship to work out.

Stonewalling him will likely only fuel more drama and push him further away rather than teach him a lesson.

That said, completely accommodating his less desirable traits isn’t healthy either. The best approach with an Aries man is finding middle ground through compromise, direct communication, and reinforcing positive behaviors.

It takes work, but meeting in the middle allows you to harness the fiery passion of Aries while minimizing clashes with his inner ram.

Curious to hear all the details on the benefits, drawbacks, and best strategies for handling life with your Aries guy? Read on for the full scoop!

The Appeal of the Aries Man

What is it about those born under the first sign of the zodiac (March 21 – April 19) that makes them so darn appealing in the first place? A few things come to mind:

  • Their confidence. Aries men are not lacking in self-assurance. Their “I can do anything” attitude means they have no problem taking the lead and making the first move. This boldness can be intoxicating.
  • Passion. Ruled by the red-hot planet Mars, Aries men approach everything in life with burning intensity. Love is no exception, and you can expect great passion between the sheets.
  • Excitement. Aries men crave adventure and always keep things lively in relationships. Life is never boring with them around.

So it’s no wonder you were drawn to that hottie Aries in your life! But it wasn’t long before the thorns started to prick.

The Downsides of Dating an Aries Guy

Alright, let’s be real. As magnetic as Aries men can be, they also have some unattractive traits:

Read also:   15 Clever Ways To Beat An Aries Man At His Own Game

1. Self-absorption

Like all fire signs, Aries can be highly self-centered. They expect the world to revolve around them and can throw toddler-like tantrums when it doesn’t. They rarely stop to consider others’ needs before charging ahead to fulfill their own desires. Not the most thoughtful boyfriends, unfortunately.

2. Impatience

Ruled by the ram, Aries guys are always moving forward at lightning speed. They have little tolerance for waiting around. This makes them impatient in relationships and quick to frustration or anger if you can’t keep up with their pace.

3. Aggressiveness

There’s a reason Aries is symbolized by the warrior ram! When these guys see something they want, they pursue it with laser focus and unwavering determination. That applies to goals and relationships alike. If an Aries man wants you, he will aggressively and ardently chase you. But that also means he aggressively asserts his opinions and doesn’t back down from fights.

4. Volatility

With Mars as their governing planet, Aries men are notoriously hot-tempered. Their fire can ignite into flaming rage when provoked. Wthen an Aries’ short fuse is lit, stand back! You’ll get caught in the crosshairs of their angry outburst.

5. Impulsiveness

Aries men rarely think before they act. They are brash and hasty, preferring to follow gut instincts over logic or reason. While this spontaneous attitude can be exciting, it also means Aries leap before looking. The fallout can be disastrous for relationships.

So in many ways, the Aries man seems like a frustrating handful! No wonder you’re tempted to ignore his calls and cut off contact altogether. Before you ghost him, let’s discuss if giving him the cold shoulder is your best bet.

Should You Ignore Him? The Pros

We’ve covered the many headaches that come with dating an Aries man. So what are the upsides of cutting him off completely?

1. Regain your peace of mind

Shutting out all communication with an Aries can remove a huge source of stress and drama from your world. You’ll no longer dread his quick temper or moody outbursts. Your nerves will thank you!

2. Teach him a lesson

Giving him the silent treatment may be just what an Aries man needs. By ignoring him, you’re showing that his behavior is unacceptable and that he can’t take you for granted. He needs to learn that his self-centered attitude won’t be tolerated.

Read also:   15 Clever Ways To Beat An Aries Man At His Own Game

3. Empower yourself

When you ignore an Aries man against his wishes, you’re taking back your power in the relationship. No longer will you acquiesce to his demands or allow him to control you. You’re sending the message that your time and attention are invaluable.

4. See his true colors

How someone reacts to being ignored is very telling. An Aries man who can’t handle the cold shoulder likely has deeper issues like a lack of self-awareness, immaturity, and feelings of entitlement. You’re better off without this guy!

5. Let wounds heal

Maybe this Aries did more than simply annoy you. If the relationship turned toxic or abusive, ignoring him is a way to create distance and start healing. You can’t move forward if he’s still triggering you with his presence. Cutting contact allows you to regain strength.

Some solid reasons to give this ram the freeze out! But ignoring an Aries man also has its downsides. Let’s explore those.

The Cons of Giving Him the Silent Treatment

Before slamming the door on communication with your Aries guy, consider the potential drawbacks:

1. It’s immature

Ghosting someone instead of communicating your issues is childish behavior. It likely won’t teach him anything besides the fact that you’re petty. Be the bigger person and address problems directly.

2. Causes more drama

Think ignoring an Aries will avoid dramatics? Think again! Nothing captivates the Ram’s attention more than a challenge. Your silence will only incense him and spur more obsessive behavior as he tries to get a reaction from you.

3. Pushes him away

Giving someone the cold shoulder without explanation can breed hurt and resentment. An Aries may respond by withdrawing altogether rather than chasing you more. This could permanently damage the relationship.

4. You miss the good stuff

For all their faults, Aries men have great qualities too. Their free spirit, passion, and spontaneity make them fun romantic partners when they’re at their best. Ignoring him robs you of the chance to enjoy those good times.

5. Communication suffers

Refusing to talk makes it impossible to share grievances, hear each other out, or reach compromises. Stonewalling is a relationship killer. Healthy partnerships require open and regular communication, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Read also:   15 Clever Ways To Beat An Aries Man At His Own Game

So, as tempting as it is to give this hot-headed Mars ruled man the freeze out, there are solid reasons not to slam that door shut just yet.

Moving Forward with an Aries Man

Okay, ignoring your Aries crush likely isn’t the best idea. But his maddening traits probably aren’t changing overnight either. How do you move forward? Here are some tips:

Set boundaries

Make clear what you will and will not tolerate from him going forward. Outline your expectations for how an Aries should respect your needs if he wants access to you. Don’t bend on those boundaries.

Insist on communication

Demand he talk out issues calmly instead of losing his cool. Don’t engage when he’s being reactive or irrational. Model good communication skills yourself by being vulnerable and non-judgmental.

Seek compromise

Realize he won’t change core traits like impulsiveness or aggression. Accept those, but find compromises so they impact you less. For example, agree he pursues adventurous goals after getting your input.

Give space when needed

Aries men need freedom. When tensions are high, give him time to cool down before re-engaging. Space prevents fights from escalating but doesn’t cut off communication completely.

Share your admiration

Aries craves praise! When he displays positive traits, shower him with admiration. Lovingly reinforce behaviors you want to see more of.

Add stability Keep him grounded. Offer a peaceful, stable presence that calms his fiery nature rather than fuels it. Be his rock.

Does it take work to date an Aries man? Absolutely! But avoiding or ignoring him won’t make those challenges disappear. With understanding and compromise, a lasting love with this fiery Mars ruled Zodiac sign can burn bright.

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