Does He Like Me? 47 Early Dating Signs He’s Totally Smitten

Trying to decode a new dating partner’s intentions and gauge his interest when you are still getting to know each other can feel like solving a frustrating mystery.

You scrutinize and analyze every conversation and interaction, wishing you could just open his mind and understand his real feelings.

Without the ability to read thoughts, you are left searching for external signs that reveal his true level of attraction and emotional investment in you.

Though men often process attraction differently than women and express themselves through action more than words, they tend to demonstrate interest in similar ways in the early stages of dating.

Paying close attention to the language of his body, his conversational patterns, effort put into dates, and other signals can help provide clarity.

While every man has a unique way of showing he cares, looking for these obvious signs can take some of the guesswork out of determining if his intentions are true and if he is romantically interested in you.

If the man you are dating displays several of the following signs, it is a strong indication that he has strong feelings for you and sees long-term relationship potential.

Though it takes time to know another person’s heart completely, spotting these clues will reveal if he is on course to falling in love and desires to turn dating into a committed partnership.

1. He frequently reaches out first to start conversations

A man who is feeling a genuine connection with you will look for excuses to text, call, or otherwise reach out and start conversations on a regular basis.

If he’s consistently initiating contact through thoughtful texts or calls to see how your day is going, tell you something funny he saw, or flirt a little, this engagement is a very positive sign.

It means you’re often crossing his mind and he wants to keep communication flowing.

Whereas if his interest was lukewarm, he would probably leave longer gaps between check-ins or rarely be the one to kick things off.

2. He asks you thoughtful questions and remembers the details later

An interested man will ask you probing questions about your job, family, childhood memories, dreams, opinions on things, and so on.

He wants to uncover layers beyond surface-level small talk and really understand what makes you tick.

When he then brings up previous conversations you’ve had in future interactions, remembering things you mentioned about your dog, favorite dessert, or crazy high school experience, it shows he has been listening intently and cares to commit details about you to memory.

Making this effort helps nurture intimacy and emotional connection.

3. He initiates the majority of meetups and conversations

An important behavior to note is whether this guy takes the reins in kickstarting plans to hang out and chats the two of you have.

If he’s not just waiting around passively for you to suggest getting drinks or text him first, but is regularly initiating and thinking up ideas for dates or low-key hangouts, it’s a promising sign you’re on his mind.

If his interest isn’t strong, the guy probably won’t put himself out there repeatedly. But when he’s feeling the potential with someone, he’ll step up.

4. He styles or fixes up his hair before interacting with you

You may notice him peeking in reflective surfaces to quickly smooth down flyaway hairs or rearrange his hairdo before meeting up. Or he may run his hands through the front to tousle it just right.

Even little gestures like brushing dandruff off his shoulders or neatening the edges show he aims to look put-together and well-groomed around you.

5. He wears nicer, more flattering clothes on your dates

While every guy has his casual everyday wear, he may pick out certain dresses-up clothes like dark fitted jeans instead of sweats, button-downs rather than old t-shirts, and nicer shoes when the occasion calls for looking sharp. Dressing it up a notch indicates he wants to impress you with how he looks and comes across.

6. He throws on cologne before seeing you

Smelling fresh and enticing is a dating priority for him now. Splashing on cologne or a favorite body spray before a date demonstrates he hopes his scent appeals to you and sparks attraction.

It’s amusing how even confident guys can get a little self-conscious about their natural aroma when crushin’ on someone.

7. He mentions hitting the gym more lately

In hopes you’ll notice and appreciate his fitness dedication, a crushing guy may talk about the gym progress he’s making recently, complain good-naturedly about sore muscles, or casually stretch so his biceps tense up.

Read also:   7 Obvious Signs He Likes You But Is Hiding It

Subtle muscle flexing and showing off his strength is also common. It all ties into wanting to look strong, sculpted, and health-conscious for you.

8. He goes in for hugs regularly

Does he pull you in for a few seconds longer than necessary when you meet up or say goodbye? Lingering a bit in an embrace is a sign he enjoys the feel of you and wants to prolong the contact.

Even quick sideways hugs or him resting his arm across your shoulders can indicate affection.

9. He sits or stands near enough so your arms brush

Sitting side-by-side on a park bench or crowded bar, does he subtly angle himself closer than really needed so your legs graze or arms press together?

This nonchalant physical togetherness builds intimacy and excitement through touch. It also gives him the chance to see if you shift away or reciprocate.

10. He places a hand gently on your lower back or arm

Lightly resting his palm on your lower back to lead you through a crowded room or gently grip your elbow to manoeuvre past people are common touching gestures. It allows him to act protective by guiding you, while also hinting he craves contact.

11. He playfully nudges, pokes, or tickles you

Playful touching like softly jabbing your side, squeezing your shoulder, nudging knees, or poking your arm are definite flirtation tactics. It stimulates positive energy between you. His eyes will likely gauge your reaction for signs you enjoyed it too. But beware pokes that are too rough or untoward.

12. He uses light teasing or sarcasm

Playful ribbing you about quirky habits, silly mishaps, or even flat-out poking fun in a benign way can be his attempt to be funny and create rapport.

It’s a common flirting technique that hints he’s now comfortable enough to bust your chops. Just be sure the teasing seems harmless rather than mean-spirited or putting you down.

13. He compliments your appearance and qualities

Genuine praise about your fashion style, pretty eyes, infectious laugh, or cool personality show he admires you and wants you to know. Showering super effusive compliments can be suspicious though, so notice if they come across authentically.

14. He tries out cheesy pickup lines

Hitting you with cute yet cringey lines like “Are you Google? Because you’re the answer to all I’ve been searching for!” or “Feel my shirt. Know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material!” proves he’s in a playful mood and trying hard to be charming. Corny lines may make you laugh and reveal his adorable dorky side!

15. He finds excuses to chat with you about random topics

If he calls you up impromptu or keeps text conversations going simply to tell you an irrelevant story, complain about his job, or report on the crazy weather, it can mean he’s fishing around for an excuse to talk to you. He probably just cherishes any opportunity to connect more.

16. He tells you passionately about his hobbies and interests

Do his eyes light up explaining photography techniques or his vintage record collection? Discussing something he loves allows him to share significant parts of his identity and values with you. It also presents common interests that may connect you.

17. He mentions his family members and close friends

Bringing up the antics of his goofy younger brother, how supportive his mom has always been, or lamenting that his best friend is moving away all demonstrate he’s letting you into his trusted inner circle. Meeting the important people in his life is likely the next step.

18. He asks more about your dating history and past relationships

Seemingly casual questions about your dating life, past boyfriends, and relationship deal breakers signal he’s aiming to scope out your availability and assess potential compatibility. It’s his way of determining if the door is open for him.

19. He opens up about major goals, fears, insecurities and past challenges

Being vulnerable about the big things, like admitting he’s terrified public speaking, sharing his dream of starting a nonprofit one day, or confiding how he dealt with his dad’s passing all prove he feels able to be emotionally intimate and real with you.

Read also:   23 Signs He Likes You But Doesn’t Want A Relationship

20. He stumbles over his words more around you

A guy who is normally articulate may start stammering, say the wrong name, call you the pet name he has for his sister, or utter nonsense phrases when trying to talk to you. It all stems from feeling internally rattled around his crush.

21. He sweats more or clams up

Excess perspiration, sweaty palms, or nervous habits like foot tapping point to the anxiety he feels in wanting to impress you. Unless it’s excessive sweating, which may require medication, it’s merely evidence you make him nervous in the best way.

22. He blushes more readily around you

Blushing and flushing are involuntary physical reactions humans can’t control. So when your presence causes his cheeks to redden, his ears to get hot, or his skin to splotch, it reveals just how flustered you make this poor smitten guy!

23. He forgets small things in conversation

Forgetting what he was saying mid-sentence, calling you by the wrong name, stumbling over his words, suddenly unable to perform simple tasks like opening a door, or missing his chair when he goes to sit next to you are all gaffes tied to feeling utterly discombobulated by his crush on you. It’s those pesky brain fog nerves striking again!

24. Walk on the side closest to the street when together

If he automatically walks between you and the street traffic rather than on the building side, it’s a sign of protectiveness. He wants to act as a buffer between you and danger. Even briefly putting an arm out to halt you from stepping into the street falls into gentlemanly guarding behavior.

25. Gently grip your arm to steer you from potential hazards

Placing a hand tenderly on your back or elbow to guide you safely through a jostling crowd, move you out of the path of reckless bicyclists headed your way, or steer you around potential slippery spots shows his caring directive in action.

26. Help you before you ask

Carrying your heavy bags, opening the stubborn lid on your drink, passing you a jacket when you get cold, standing on his tiptoes to grab something from a high shelf for you, or lending you his sweatshirt demonstrates his desire to assist and provide for you.

27. Give you safety reminders

Saying thoughtful things like “Text me when you get home safe, okay?” or cautioning you to hold your purse tightly in the packed subway signifies your wellbeing is top of mind for him. He wants you to feel protected.

28. He fishes for information about the guys you talk to

If he asks probing questions about that guy you were chatting with at the bar or who you were texting with during dinner, it indicates his nosy interest in any male interactions. He aims to sniff out if they seem like potential romantic rivals.

29. He gets irritated hearing you talk about interactions with other men

Though he tries to play it cool, you can detect subtle annoyance in his tone when you tell a story involving other guys. Things like talking about a funny conversation with the barista or a coworker helping you with a task can irk him.

30. He tries to subtly compete with other men

When around other guys, he may try to assert his superiority through bragging, one-upping their stories, displaying his funniest humor, or flexing his knowledge on trivia and sports stats. Essentially beating his chest to appear the alpha.

31. He makes you feel guilty for harmless interactions

Pouting over innocent interactions with male friends or acquaintances, flirting heavily with other women in retaliation, or outright accusing you of interest in others is very unhealthy behavior fueled by extreme jealousy. Big red flag.

32. He initiates asks you on traditional date activities

Rather than just casual hangouts, he puts thought into planning proper dates like a romantic dinner, couples cooking class, miniature golf, concert or show, museum visit, or scenic hike. It provides opportunity for bonding.

33. He makes time and adjusts his schedule to see you

A guy who’s feelings are growing will move around work projects, social plans, or other obligations in order to carve out availability to be with you. He’ll also be proactive about scheduling dates well in advance.

34. He follows through consistently rather than flaking

Unlike more casual romantic interests, he keeps his commitments to plans with you and shows up on time ready to have a great time together. Following through reliably is hugely important.

Read also:   7 Obvious Signs He Likes You But Is Hiding It

35. He brings you around friends

Inviting you to join him for group hangouts with friends, especially more than once, indicates he sees you as someone he wants to integrate into his trusted social circle.

36. He asks your opinion on his big decisions

Seeking your take on issues like whether to take a promotion, which city apartment to rent, or what car to buy means he respects your judgment and wants to include you in key life choices.

37. He adopts the special names or inside jokes you’ve created

Calling you by funny nicknames, repeating that hilarious saying you came up with, or peppering in references to TV shows or vines you bonded over demonstrates he cherishes your shared humor.

38. He asks about your friends and family

Pressing to find out more about your besties from college and wanting to arrange plans for him to finally meet them indicates he seeks their approval. Impressing your inner circle likely means impressing you.

39. He carefully listens and remembers the details

Making sincere eye contact when you speak, asking thoughtful follow-up questions later, and referencing small things you said before all prove he truly listens, retains, and values your opinions, stories, and facts you share.

40. He talks about upcoming events or trips far in the future

Booking an event next month or talking about a holiday 10 months away means he assumes you’ll still be dating then. Saying “When we visit my family cabin this summer…” clinches it.

41. He muses about hypothetical futures together

Daydream-style comments like “Wouldn’t it be fun if we backpacked across Asia together someday?” or “I bet our kids would love baking cookies with Grandma” reveal he’s imagined you staying together long-term.

42. He gives you a heads up on big life updates coming his way

Telling you first that he’s likely accepting a job in a different city soon or considering moving cross-country in a few months signals he wants you to potentially factor into a huge life change with him.

43. He uses language that couples you together in future contexts

Talking about “our plans this weekend” or saying “we should ask Grandma for her lasagna recipe for when we host Thanksgiving dinner at our place someday” subtly joins you together looking ahead.

44. He tells you outright that he misses you

An “I miss you” text or voicing out loud that he can’t wait to see you again spells out clearly you’re often on his brain. Guys don’t express vulnerable feelings like missing someone unless it’s genuine.

45. He sends random little texts and call to share funny observations or memories throughout his day

Hearing a song on the radio or passing a restaurant that reminded him of you, spotting a funny meme or overhearing a hilarious conversation – he’ll pass these along as mini thinking-of-you notes.

46. He touches base in the morning and before bed

Texting to say “good morning gorgeous!” or calling to wish you sweet dreams at night demonstrates he wants to be part of your daily routine and stay connected.

47. He sends flirty emojis and memes

Emojis add a personal touch that injects the digital communication with his playful personality. A heart-eyes emoji here, a kissing face there, bitmojis, reaction gifs, and memes all keep the vibe fun.

Enjoy that magical period of new love

If you’re noticing a lot of the thoughtful behaviors on this list like making time for you, flirting, expressing vulnerability, acting protective, and referencing the future, the chances are very high he’s falling for you!

By reading into the more subtle signs he cares, keeping an eye on consistency over time, and going with your gut instincts, you’ll gain confidence on where his heart lies.

Remember that no one sign guarantees anything, so look for clusters of behaviors that all point toward him reciprocating your feelings.

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