7 Specific Signs That Reveal You’re Truly in Love

How do you know if you’re actually in love or if it’s just infatuation? 

For us ladies, it’s a question that we’ve all pondered at some point right?  

And it’s really important to know the difference because infatuation can lead to a lot of heartbreak and disappointment.

Infatuation is like a shiny new toy – captivating and exciting at first glance, but often short-lived. 

True love, however, is like a well-worn hoodie – comfortable, long-lasting, and just makes you feel good. It’s not just about physical attraction, but also about caring for and respecting your partner. 

Of course, being in love is different for all of us. There’s no fixed formula. 

But, generally, you’ll feel a deep emotional connection with your partner and a desire to build a future together – it’s more than just some attraction or butterflies in your stomach. 

So if you’re feeling something more than just an attraction or a crush for someone, then you may be in love!

You love your partner for who they are

Love makes you accept and appreciate your partner for exactly who they are. 

You don’t expect them to change or become someone else and you see the beauty in their imperfections and quirks. 

Even if your personalities may clash at times or you don’t always agree on things, there’s an unconditional acceptance that allows a deeper level of connection and understanding. 

You just love your partner for all that they are, flaws and all.

You’re Excited to Share Your Life with Them

When you’re truly in love, it’s like you’re playing a movie in your head of all the amazing things you could do together. 

You just see yourself growing old together. It’s more than just the fun that you have together. 

It’s like you’ve got each other’s back 100% and you’re in it for the long haul. 

You know when you drive by a house and you say “that’s the house we’re going to buy one day,” or when you see a cute baby and you’re like “that’s what our baby will look like?” 

Yeah, that’s what it’s like when you’re truly, madly and deeply in love.

You trust each other completely

Trust is everything in a relationship, especially in love. You can both put your cards on the table without any judgment or criticism and chat away the hours knowing your secrets are safe. 

No need to question their sincerity or commitment. 

This kind of trust brings incredible peace of mind and tells you that someone always has your back.

You’re Comfortable with Silence

Love isn’t just about grand gestures and proclamations; it’s also about the quiet moments you share with your partner. 

If you’re comfortable with silence and can just be with each other without feeling the need to fill the space with conversation, it’s a good sign that you’re in love.

You’re Supportive of Each Other’s Dreams

You always make it a point to support each other’s goals and dreams. You encourage each other to reach for the stars, no matter how unattainable they may seem. 

You want to see your partner succeed and will do whatever it takes to make that happen. 

You push each other to reach higher goals and inspire each other to explore new opportunities. 

Additionally, you’re more willing to forgive mistakes and help each other out when needed. It’s a positive and uplifting feeling that helps the two of you build a strong bond.

You feel a deep sense of connection

When you fall in love, you feel a genuine emotional bond with your partner. It’s like they’re the missing piece you’ve been looking for; the one who just gets you. 

There’s no better feeling in the world than knowing someone understands you so deeply.

You don’t need words to explain how you feel – just a look or a shared moment of understanding is enough to let the other person know that they are loved. 

This connection is something that only two people in love can share.

It can’t be faked or forced – if you’re feeling it, then you know that your relationship is special.

You feel comfortable being yourself

Do you feel like you can unleash your weirdness, spill your guts, and still feel safe in your relationship?

If that’s the case, then you know you’re onto a good thing. 

You don’t feel the need to act a certain way or pretend to be something that you’re not, and you can express your true feelings and emotions without worrying about judgment from your partner. That’s true love. 

You’re willing to work through problems in the relationship

Instead of trying to ignore or sweep issues under the rug, you’re willing to work through any problems that arise. 

You don’t give up when times get tough – instead, you open up a dialogue so that you can resolve things together as a team. 

And you don’t lay blame or try to point fingers – you focus on finding a solution and being there for each other no matter what. 

This willingness to work together through tough times is another signal that your relationship is built on love. 

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